The current population of Spain is 46 millions of inhabitants, based on the latest United Nations estimates.Spain population is equivalent to 0.61% of the total world population.Spain ranks number 30 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.The median age in Spain is 43.7 years.
Live expectancy in Spain:Spaniards have one of the highest levels of life expectancy in the world, about 82.8 years on average, just below Japan, Switzerland or Singapore. •OBEXITY INDEX
26.1% are overweight and 19.1% are obese.
Tourism: Spain is a country with an excellent services sector, among the three most visited countries in the world, that all the millions of travelers attracted by its beaches and pleasant climate, the abundant artistic patrimony of the country and the gastronomic wealth.

The current population of Norway is 5,319,894 as of Wednesday, April 26, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Norway population is equivalent to 0.07% of the total world population.
79.8 % of the population is urban (4,251,706 people in 2017)
•The median age in Norway is 39.2 years.
•Life expectancy:In 2015 life expectancy in Norway rose to 82.4 years. That year the life expectancy of women was 84.2 years.•Fooding:he typical Norwegian food is smoked salmon, whale, cod, game meat and cheese, thanks to restrictions on junk food advertising and the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption and physical exercise in schools.

•It is the second country in the world by population with more than 1240 millions of habitants after the Republic of China, the 54% are men and 46% are women, her spectative life for men is 63 and for women 67.
•LIFE EXPECTANCY•68,01 years •Fooding: The population is vegetarian, the base of Indian food in the South is rice and in the North is wheat, the tipics dishes of the country are: the dhal, vegetables and curry.
I would like to live one year in the India because is very important to learn many other forms to live in a poor country and costum about this city. I would like to try to eat the typical food in India and visit the most importants places here.
The current population of Spain is 46 millions of inhabitants, based on the latest United Nations estimates.Spain population is equivalent to 0.61% of the total world population.Spain ranks number 30 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.The median age in Spain is 43.7 years.
Live expectancy in Spain:Spaniards have one of the highest levels of life expectancy in the world, about 82.8 years on average, just below Japan, Switzerland or Singapore. •OBEXITY INDEX
26.1% are overweight and 19.1% are obese.
Tourism: Spain is a country with an excellent services sector, among the three most visited countries in the world, that all the millions of travelers attracted by its beaches and pleasant climate, the abundant artistic patrimony of the country and the gastronomic wealth.

The current population of Norway is 5,319,894 as of Wednesday, April 26, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Norway population is equivalent to 0.07% of the total world population.
79.8 % of the population is urban (4,251,706 people in 2017)
•The median age in Norway is 39.2 years.
•Life expectancy:In 2015 life expectancy in Norway rose to 82.4 years. That year the life expectancy of women was 84.2 years.•Fooding:he typical Norwegian food is smoked salmon, whale, cod, game meat and cheese, thanks to restrictions on junk food advertising and the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption and physical exercise in schools.

•It is the second country in the world by population with more than 1240 millions of habitants after the Republic of China, the 54% are men and 46% are women, her spectative life for men is 63 and for women 67.
•LIFE EXPECTANCY•68,01 years •Fooding: The population is vegetarian, the base of Indian food in the South is rice and in the North is wheat, the tipics dishes of the country are: the dhal, vegetables and curry.
I would like to live one year in the India because is very important to learn many other forms to live in a poor country and costum about this city. I would like to try to eat the typical food in India and visit the most importants places here.
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